Girls, Clothes, Smiles, Music and Fun. Coachella and Plural Practice

Posted on Apr 18 2015 - 11:00am by PopESL

Coachella, ESL, English as a second language

Courtesy of Instagram

There’s a lot going on in this picture from Coachella. There are girls, laughs, smiles, drinks, hair, hats, sunglasses, clothes andjewelry. All of these are plural forms of nouns.

Here are rules for forming plural nouns in English:

Regular nouns in English are formed by adding “s”.



Nouns that end in a vowel + y also take the letter “s”.



Nouns that end in  ch, x, s, z or s sounds are plural by adding an “es”:



For nouns ending in f or fe, change “f” to “v” and add “es”:



Nouns ending in vowels like y or o have different plurals and rules:


Some words have the same singular and plural forms:



And some words are just irregular:




There are a lot of rules, huh?

Let’s practice forming English plurals. Fill in the blank with the plural form of the noun:

She has over 500 Facebook . (friend)
He likes many types of . (food)Hint

Best to you! (wish)
How many in India have you visited? (city)
She has many . (child)
Two make a whole. (half)
There are millions of that study English. (people)Hint

She likes to post on Instagram. (selfie)
I want to visit many . (country)
Please put the over there. (box)

 Proofed by Prooffix

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