The gorgeous Bella Thorne stepped out recently in New York. Practice your verbs and describe what is happening in this picture. Good luck!©ImageCollect/STAR MAX 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDBella _____ down the steps.are walkingis walkingam walkingThere is a woman _____ her.followingfollowsfollwedThe woman following her _____ her picture.are takingtakingis takingThe doorman _____ the door open.holdingare holdingholdsBella _____ a black carryingare carryingwill carryShe _____ lookingwill lookare lookingHer hair _____ red.amisareShe smilingwill be smilingis not smilingHer stomach be exposed.This picture _____ in New York.takenwas takenwas took Sign up for free English practice and get your free guide to American slangGet our weekly newsletter and learn 30 slang words every English speaker should know! I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.