“Want to Want Me” by Jason Derulo and Preposition Practice

Posted on May 25 2015 - 11:00am by PopESL

Preposition time! The prepositions of, to and in are among the ten most frequent words in English.

Prepositions come before another word, usually a noun or noun phrase. They can also act as adverbs.

For example:

I met her at the movies.

I ate lunch before the test.

You can walk in.

There are lots of prepositions in Jason DeRulo’s new song “Want to Want Me”.

Watch the video below and then take the quiz to practice the prepositions in the song. Good luck and enjoy!

Fill in the blank with the correct song lyric and preposition.

It's so hard to sleep.
I got the sheets the floor.
I got one foot the door.
Where are my keys?
the back of the cab.
I tip the driver, head town.
I got your body my mind
There's nothing I know I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do
Just to get up you
And you whisper my ear, baby I'm yours

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